September 29, 2015
Marta + Albert, rustic wedding and trip around the world
This post comes from far away… Marta writes to me from Koh Chang Island, in Thailand. She and her new husband, Albert, have just started a trip around the world. And I'm dying of envy while he explains to me the little details that made last May 30 a unique day. But, let us start at the beginning.
This journey began 9 years ago when they met at a mutual friend's concert. Everyone knows them as MACASH, a name that comes out when their initials are put together. This is total love! They also share a great hobby, traveling; They are great hosts and they love good food and preparing parties at home. So I don't rule out inviting myself when they come back so they can show me the photos of their long trip ;) The requested Albert prepared a gymkhana at home with many gifts related to the long trip they were about to make. The last gift was inside a small box; a necklace with a turtle, Marta's favorite animal. He knew that Marta is not one to wear rings, so this very personal wedding request would make him much more excited. So it was.
Rustic wedding The bride and groom planned the wedding as a double celebration: a farewell before their trip around the world and, at the same time, the celebration of their love. They decided to have two weddings a week apart, one more intimate and familiar; and the other for friends, which lasted a whole weekend and was full of experiences. You can discover all the crazy activities they did on the website they created for the occasion. The truth is that having your own website for the wedding is a great idea, it saved them from making the classic paper invitations and solved the doubts of all the guests. I'm writing it down!
I ♥ handmade
It was clear that for Albert and Marta, their friends had a very special role, and therefore they wanted them to actively participate in their wedding. The way to do it was to organize a floral workshop in the morning to prepare, among all the friends, the centers that would decorate the tables and the flower crowns that they would wear at the wedding. Rosa, friend of the bride and owner of Au nom de la Rose , was in charge of teaching the guests how to work the flowers. Great idea to share knowledge and create a super familiar and relaxed atmosphere before the wedding. Important details In the late afternoon it was time for the ceremony, officiated by two close friends with comments from all those who wanted to dedicate a few words to them. Surrounded by fruit trees, stretched out on blankets, drinking beer and eating nuts, they enjoyed an intimate concert, a gift from their friend Lieven, from A Singer of Songs . Without a doubt, it was a magical moment, one of those that you wish very strongly for time to stop.
The dress Marta did not have many problems finding a dress for the civil wedding and a skirt for the rustic wedding that they would celebrate with friends. She only needed to find the top, when by chance she met Mimètik Bcn and changed her plans: "For fun, sometimes I watched the typical programs of your ideal wedding dress... And when I tried on the dress, I had the same feeling. It was “The Dress". I was excited, it seemed made for me! So I couldn't help it, I had to keep it."
Advice for brides

"I don't think I'm the best person to give advice, since I'm a bit of the antithesis of the typical girlfriend. But what I saw is that it's okay if everything doesn't go as planned. The most important thing is to have people that you love with you. Another recommendation is the floral workshop that we did. We didn't expect it, but it was a complete success. People participate in the organization and have a good time. And the flower crowns were amazing!"With her story, Marta has transmitted to me a great enthusiasm and naturalness. I think that is his secret: knowing how to enjoy the little things, the ones that are really important. With that attitude, you will surely make the most of every day of your trip with Albert around the world. I wish you the best in this year of adventures. And lots of love, especially lots of love.