April 04, 2019
73 questions with Mireia Solsona
I am very excited about today's post. As you've already seen, it's called '73 questions with Mireia Solsona' , so maybe you already know where things are going. It is an interview, both personal and professional, moving and very dynamic, and in which I answer all kinds of questions so that you get to know me a little better. It became popular thanks to Vogue, which uses this method to interview all kinds of celebrities. The truth is that the first time my team proposed it to me, I panicked a bit . An interview like this? To me? This was totally stepping out of my comfort zone and facing something new. But then I said to myself: Mireia, this can be an exercise in sincerity and trust . If you know the story of brides who decide to trust you on one of the most important days of their lives, it is only fair that they also know something about you. So I looked at the project again from this new perspective and found it very inspiring. And now, seeing the result, I am very glad I did it. In fact, it has even helped me to think and consider many things, both personally and professionally. I have had to introspect to answer some questions . Because you, have you considered what your favorite place in the world is? Or what 3 things do you want to do before you die? It's not easy to answer, right? In this 73 questions to Mireia Solsona I talk about my career, my dreams, my aspirations, but also about my family, my hobbies, my fears and my history. I think it has been a very nice and fun project and I am looking forward to seeing it to get to know me a little better. In these impersonal times, the human bond that is created is a treasure. Nothing more, I hope you enjoy this video, that you have fun, and that you get to know me, not only as the creator of Mimètik , but Mireia Solsona, a little better. oh! Last thing, if you had to choose a character from Friends, what would it be? A big hug,