November 09, 2015
Strong women who inspire me: Frida Kahlo
Strong women inspire me . Reading their biographies and diaries gives me a lot of strength and magical energy. Understanding their lives and their passions, their thoughts and their art, I love it, it's like knowing a little more about the female gender . The vast majority of these women have lived in historical moments where the position of women was not privileged and this makes them even greater. I like to claim your recognition. Eight years ago, when I started with Mimètik Bcn, I decided to pay my little tribute to all these passionate women ; all my dresses would bear their names: Gala Picasso, Frida Kahlo, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Noor, Marilyn Monroe. My new collection of lace dresses is called Frida , in honor of Frida Kahlo and her femininity. Frida, a rebellious soul born in 1907 in Mexico, was a great advance in her time, conquering spaces in the artistic world that were reserved for the male sex. She was also a woman moved by passion and sensuality.
What especially attracts me about her is that she defended her authenticity above all else . With great pride in being Mexican, she always dressed in the traditional costumes of her country, characterized by long skirts and fabrics with beautiful and bright colors. She complemented her look with antique design accessories from ancient cultures and with beautiful hairstyles of braids and flowers, which gave her a very beautiful naturalness and freshness. Frida Kahlo, a fighter woman with great strength, constantly inquires about herself and her moods to capture it in her art, which oscillates between suffering and hope. He always suffered severe physical pain due to the serious accident he had at the age of 16. He showed vulnerability in his paintings, both his bodily pain and his emotional suffering.
This is what her work transmits, the authenticity in relationships and her vulnerability, the fact of showing herself as she was is precisely what made her so unique and special. With his fighting and passionate personality, he demonstrates in his art all the processes of his life. That is why, in his case, more than ever, his work cannot be understood without understanding his life; his paintings are his biography . It has been said of her that she is one of the great divas in history , strong, with character and with a very determined ideology; I have no doubt that it is so.
Frida Kahlo left us many inspiring phrases , some of which I want to share with you here. The first of a force and a desire to live that excites, knowing his biography:
I could spend hours talking about the life of this artist, I hope it inspires you as much as it did me and makes you want to google her most representative works. Or, better yet, travel to Mexico and visit his house-museum. If you are also attracted to this powerful woman, I would love to read your comment. Thanks for being there,

"I paint flowers because they don't die that way"
"Feet, why do I love you if I have wings to fly" About love, which inspired her so much and made her suffer:"Choose a lover who looks at you as if you were magical"
"I leave you my portraits so that you have my presence every day and night that I am away from you"
"I love you more than my own skin"
And about life:
"Painting completed my life"