May 19, 2016Tips for bohemian weddings
your wedding songs
I am a great music lover. Since I can remember, I remember spending my free time listening to songs. My father played me the records that he liked and that is how he transmitted his passion to me. From a very young age, my favorite group was Queen. At home we had all his vinyl records and, when the CD format appeared, we started buying them again, to make the whole collection and be able to listen to them in the car.
When I came home from school, I put on the music program that was on TV to see the videos of my favorite groups. I still remember the tension of having the VHS controller with my finger on the red button ready to record. This is how I made my mixes with choppy songs on re-recorded tapes. You can already imagine the quality! One of the memories I keep from when I was little is the day of the concert in memory of Freddie Mercury, Wembley 92. At my grandmother's house, looking at the collection of artists paying tribute to the great Freddie, very emotional. Now, when writing this post I have watched it in its entirety on Youtube and I have had exactly the same feeling. OMG Axl Rose (yeah! AC DC's new singer hehe) singing "We will rock you"
It turns out that Freddie had to sing at the opening party of the Barcelona'92 Olympics . I was so excited. Thinking that my idol would be singing next to home in honor of my city made me feel important. But it couldn't be, that disgusting disease that wreaked havoc in the 80s and 90s took him before. Later on, he took me very hard with Nirvana and Grunge music. I didn't stop until my mother made me a wool sweater like Kurt Cobain's . I asked him to make it two sizes bigger, obviously! You don't know my mother, but I can tell you that she expected a very different style for her daughter! 
Although I love music, I have always had a hard time choosing a song for an important moment. I want the song to communicate exactly how I feel . That moves listeners like me. I want to make sure it's the perfect song to convey what I feel. I know it's the same thing you want for your wedding. If you're like me, you'll need a bit of planning to pick up the songs for your story . That's why I thought you'd like to be inspired by this Spotify list that I'm gradually completing. You will find many types of songs that you can use for different moments of your wedding, for the ceremony and also for the party or for the dance . Surely there are many that you like and that will help you think of songs that have marked your history. Take a look and get inspired to create your own wedding playlist. Open a new file in Spotify and add your songs. Then you can order them, adding and removing those that do not fit you. I leave you here below my song proposal for your wedding . And you, do you have a song that will surely play at your wedding ? Which? A big hug, Mira