February 25, 2016
We inaugurate the new bridal atelier!
After four months fixing up this beautiful apartment in Barcelona's Eixample, we are in luck, we inaugurate the bridal atelier!! We open this beautiful space so that brides can come to meet us and try on our wedding and party dresses. Live!!
I'm not going to deny it, there have been days of a lot, a lot, a lot of work. Luckily, the whole team, family and friends, have been really involved and thanks to all these collaborations, we have made a beautiful bridal atelier . 
We have even rented machinery and we have restored the centennial hydraulic floor that the apartment has, it has been very nice! (If you are interested, one day I will give you a master class on all the machines and products necessary to make a hydraulic floor look great, you will be amazed at everything that needs to be done!)
If you want to see the change it has made, you just have to check the photos of the post I wrote explaining that we already had a new bridal atelier for Mimètik Bcn
For many months the whole team realized that we needed a space where we could meet the brides. You have been asking us for a bridal atelier for a long time where we can serve you and meet you personally and, until now, that had not been possible. For this reason, this summer,when I was on vacation in Sri Lanka , I became obsessed with finding an apartment on Barcelona's Rambla de Catalunya where I could set up the Mimètik Bcn atelier. If you have never been to Barcelona or you don't know the city, it may not seem like an ambitious challenge, but believe me, finding an apartment with these characteristics was not an easy task. In fact, when I told my friends about it, they looked at me a little strangely, as if the tropical sun had affected me too much.
Doesn't it happen to you that sometimes grandiloquent ideas come to your head that seem impossible but that you are sure that you will achieve them? Me too. And this was one So I asked my parents (handsome, right?) if they could help me find the workshop of my dreams.
At first they were a bit stuck with my crazy ideas, but they got to work and in less than a week, we had already found our atelier! Incredible but true.
It even scared me a little... finding it so quickly, with the ideal location, the perfect flat... But yes, it was for us! We quickly went to see it and we loved it. But I made a serious mistake. It took me two days to confirm the reservation. I wanted to see it again, I was afraid that with the excitement of the first day it would have seemed prettier and more appropriate than it really was.
When I came back the second day they told me that other people had just made the deposit. We had lost the floor for the bridal atelier. Oh no, I was so sad that I couldn't believe it... I had found her, I had spent two days dreaming and then the apartment, the project and my dream had gone. I felt defeated and a thousand negative ideas assailed me "This atelier was too perfect" "Everything was too beautiful" "It's not the time yet" Sound familiar?
And everyone told me that this had happened to me because this flat was not for me. How angry it made me, I couldn't imagine a better place to receive my girlfriends! Besides, I felt that this was my place. Two days later I received a call. Well, I would say, The call. Those who had made the down payment, in the end, would not keep the flat. If I wanted it, it was for me. You can't imagine the jump I took! The flat had come back to me!! I quickly made the transfer to confirm that it would not escape me again and a new stage began for Mimètik Bcn .
A new stage that we celebrate with the opening of the bridal atelier. And I couldn't be more grateful because the response we've received has been incredible. Without announcing it anywhere, without explaining it too much, we have filled two months with visits from brides and bridesmaids.
I hope to give you a service as excellent as you have made me feel with your welcome. And if you want to come and meet us and you still don't have your time booked, run! Write an email to Mariona and ask for your time. We will be waiting for you with open arms! I'm so excited that I've prepared a super surprise for next week! I'll explain everything in the mail next Thursday. XXX

Bridal Atelier MimètikBcn