Wedding dresses

Minimalist brides, fans of "less is more".

Within the world of bridal dresses we know that there are clear differences, there are brides who are looking for pompous, daring dresses in different colours and fabrics. They want to stand out and be remembered on this special day for their amazing dress. On the other hand, there are those who are looking for minimalist wedding dresses, without prints or voluminous fabrics, in beautiful crepe tones and with simple shapes and geometric cuts. We, depending on the day, are of one type of bride or another. If you are looking for simple wedding dresses, keep reading.


Minimalist boho wedding dress

For lovers of bohemian and vintage styles our minimalist boho wedding dresses are the solution. Socially these dresses may have been judged as boring or without so much charm. That's why at Mimètik we wanted to find the perfect solution for all brides who come to us asking for simplicity and at the same time modernity, elegance, style and to feel represented with the dress they wear... Be careful! with a minimalist wedding dress you can also feel 100% represented on your wedding day.

Our minimalist collection

focuses on ultra-simple dresses, which we assure you that you will wear on thousands of different occasions throughout your life. And I say, is there anything nicer than tomorrow having the opportunity to show off your wedding dress and how many times you've been able to reuse it in front of your friends who will have spent more money and only used it once.

Listen, if you are one of the first group of brides that we mentioned at the beginning, you have an infinite number of wedding dresses with us. Take a look at our website.